Atlas of Arthroscopic Anatomy of Major Joints PDF download


Anaccurate knowledge of anatomy is essential for the safe and effectiveperformance of arthroscopic procedures on joints. With more than 450high-quality arthroscopic images and photographs showing dissections, this atlas is an important orientation tool that makes the complexanatomy of joint structures accessible. The text covers all the majorjoints and includes concise explanations of diagnostic and therapeuticindications, patient positioning, external landmarks, arthroscopicportals and related anatomy, and the structures at risk for damage.This practical book also offers technical tips and valuable suggestionsfor avoiding injury to neurovascular structures. Key Features: Morethan 450 stunning, full-color photographs clearly depict the anatomicalrelationship between the different arthroscopic portals and jointstructuresChapters devoted to all major joints in the body: shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankleVital information on how to avoid potential complications caused by the arthroscopic instrumentation during portal installationHints and advice for implementing best practices in arthroscopic proceduresLeading specialists in the field of arthroscopic surgery contribute their insights and expertiseAtlas of Arthroscopic Anatomy of the Major Jointsis an indispensable guide for orthopedic surgeons and hand or footsurgeons approaching arthroscopic techniques for the first time or whoperform them infrequently. Residents and fellows will find outstandingillustrations and pertinent details for understanding joint structuresand treating a variety of pathologies with arthroscopy. This volume canalso serve as a useful teaching resource for instructors in orthopedicsurgery, arthroscopic surgery, anatomy, and sports medicine.

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